Nigel Richardson’s article published in Waterline magazine
Preventing Legionnaires’ disease article in “Waterline” magazine

Managing water systems during a shutdown
Many businesses and buildings are suffering from an enforced shutdown, but these notes apply equally to any building or business that stops its activities for one week or more. This could include educational establishments out of term time, companies who have a shutdown in holiday seasons as well as the enforced shutdown caused by the […]

Managing Contractors
L8 4th Edition states: “Employing contractors or consultants does not absolve the dutyholder of responsibility for ensuring that control procedures are carried out to the standard required to prevent the proliferation of legionella bacteria. Dutyholders should make reasonable enquiries to satisfy themselves of the competence of contractors in the area of work before they enter […]

Testing for Legionella and Pseudomonas in the presence of copper and silver
Testing for Legionella is covered by BS7592 but in the presence of copper/silver biocides this may be incorrect. Find out why in this article.

Preventing Legionella contamination and Legionnaires’ disease outbreaks in the UK
Learn how to prevent Legionnaires’ disease using cutting edge technology

Lessons from an Expert Witness
Nigel Richardson describes some issues that regularly come up in his Expert Witness cases As an Expert Witness, on site consultant and trainer I am often asked what issues are seen during my work on site that could result in a company losing a legal case for Legionella management. The examples I give below are […]